Dan O’Connor Training unveils the secret to training how to respond to difficult people and stressful situations.

Dan O’Connor Training unveils the secret to training how to respond to difficult people and stressful situations.

March 16
20:52 2023

Dan O’Connor Training leads the way in bringing professional communication skills training courses created for the mindful communicator who wants to learn more about topics such as body language secrets, dealing with toxic people in the workplace, speaking with power, tact, and finesse, and how to have conversations that create miracles, because according to Dan, “There’s nothing that you have to say that you can’t say in a loving way. Yes—even at work.”

Leading online communication skills training course provider Dan O’Connor Training has recently ramped up efforts to provide the ultimate training courses and share the secrets to successfully training individuals how to respond instead of react to difficult people and keep calm under pressure and in stressful situations. 

“There are certain laws of the universe that we must follow to achieve the desired outcome, and if we break a law, we can’t expect to achieve success.” Says Dan O’Connor, the man behind the thought-leading communication skills training institute. “But we don’t know we’re breaking them most of the time. For example, the basic law of cause and effect; If you ask the average professional communicator why they said or did something out of line to someone else at work, they’d answer with, “Well, because they said or did___ to me first!” 

Dan goes on to say, “As long as we have it twisted like that and believe we are at the effect of someone else’s loveless thoughts, or words, or actions, we’ll never achieve success. That’s why—although my communication skills training is tactical—we start by laying the foundation with basic principles. For example, one principle I have to keep in mind is—I am not at the effect of anyone’s loveless words. I am the cause here.”

“My actions and words are the effect of who I believe I am and nothing more,” Dan explains. “Once we have basic principles like those clear, then we can start showing people who we really are, rather than simply reflecting the worst of those around us.”

Dan’s effective communication skills training courses online are intended to provide individuals with the specific words to shut down passive-aggressive coworkers, free themselves from negativity in the workplace, shut down toxic people, end negative self-talk, and take charge of every relationship — and conversation—in their lives.

Dan’s online communication training courses include topics such as body language secrets, dealing with difficult people at work, communicating with power, tact, and finesse, keeping calm and focused under pressure, delivering superior customer service skills, making presentations, closing the sale, and many more.

Dan O’Connor Training is most well known for giving people just the right words and phrases for responding to difficult, rude, or insulting people; words proven to shut them down and stop the toxic behavior without stooping to their level. 

Dan even offers a myriad of clear, step-by-step approaches for keeping calm in emotionally-charged conversations by simply feeding your brain the right information using the right syntax so you can get real results and start changing the outcomes of your conversations starting day one.

Dan says, “If you feel bad about a relationship or how you handled some situation, that tends to signal that you have not yet completed the lesson.” However,” Dan continues, “If you’re dealing with some situation like this, don’t worry; the universe is a spectacular teacher, and will ensure that you will learn the lessons you’re supposed to learn. Whenever you get it wrong, just wait and that same lesson will come around again in a different form. We will always have the opportunity to choose again.”

The training also provides individuals with proven scripts that make delivering challenging messages a breeze so they can face difficult people and situations head-on with confidence and clarity instead of dreading and avoiding having one of “those little talks.” 

Dan says what sets his brand of training apart from the rest more than anything else are the visual tools participants receive for their communication skills arsenal. He says it’s not him—but the tools he gives his students—that are responsible for his company’s reputation of transforming his students’ communication skills so quickly.

Dan is an author, with his recent bestsellers, Energy Vampire Slaying: 101 and Say This—Not That!! making it into the exclusive “Amazon 4-Star Club” as well, an influencer with his popular award-winning YouTube channel, a blogger with BuzzFeed recently awarding him the ward for one of the top communication blogs on the planet, an entrepreneur and a prominent thought leader whose latest work can be seen at https://www.danoconnortraining.com, where, for a limited time, slayers-in-training can pick up a free copy of Energy Vampire Slaying: 101, and start effectively dealing with toxic attitudes both at work and at home.

Those ready to learn how to appear cool, calm, and collected under pressure and respond with tact and finesse even with the most difficult people and in the most stressful situations may reach out to Dan O’Connor and he’ll help you learn to easily breeze through these situations. Others who wish to learn more about Dan O’Connor Training may visit its YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/powerdiversity or follow Dan’s social pages for more information.

Media Contact
Company Name: Dan O’Connor Training
Contact Person: Dan O’Connor
Email: Send Email
Phone: 6125049024
Address:310 4th Ave S Suite 5010 PMB 92690
City: Minneapolis
State: MN 55415
Country: United States
Website: https://www.danoconnortraining.com/store

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